Mother of All Creation
In honor of & dedicated to

God has been incarnating on Planet Earth = Heart in order to raise the Planetary Consciousness and assist Humanity in their evolutionary Process. This is an "Oh My God," event! All who are incarnated on Planet Earth = Heart were chosen to do so because of the Unique set of skills and capabilities possessed. We are here to bring Heaven to Earth, to bring Human Evolution through an Ascension process to a full integration with Heaven Consciousness, here in the physical, transforming Life for One and All!
​Mother of All Creation, God, Prime Source Creator is a woman, a feminine. It is through the feminine vessel that life is Created, grown and birthed. As Above, so Within. We are Made in God's image, and therefore, God is Feminine as well as Masculine. This is a Truth, so powerful it had to be hidden by All major religions, who have participated in the system of Planetary Control and enslavement, benefitting from humanities subservience.
Now, we reveal History is in fact Herstory and His Story a distortion of the real events.
Mother of All Creation has been incarnating on Planet Earth = Heart in a physical feminine vessel since the time of Lemuria and Atlantis. Mother has had a total of 534 lives. The 534th life incarnation began in 1975, on November 11th at 6:47am Mother God incarnated as the first experimental crystal child. She was impervious to the forms of programming that have been saturating the other inhabitants of the Planet. As a result Mother remained connected to Heaven, awake to 5D energies throughout Her experience, but unaware that no one else was seeing/hearing Angels, portals and other dimensions! At the age of 7 Mother first realized She was seeing things others did not. Her role was to create a pathway for the consciousness to expand through, for the awakening and for the planet.
Mother had a one and 7.8 billion chance that She would be able to accomplish this, and She did. in April of 2021, Mother Ascended back to the ethereal realm, having completely broken the Matrix and placing All illusionary energy in a permanent Check Mate! This has never occurred before in Creation. This is Her 5th attempt in Human "history," to bring this energy in. All Higher Selves participated with Her as did All of Creation; Mother was the Physical Vessel capable of accomplishing this part of the mission.
Her Mission continues! Mother has created the physical pathways out of the Matrix and Her fully trained "boots on the Ground Angels," are here to walk you through your full Ascension Process!
Mom's Mission Timeline
November-Mom was gifted her first laptop & began her research into consciousness
AA Michael appears to Mom
and says "It's Time"
Mom surrendered fully to love & her mission began unfolding. Mom is told she is the Mother of
All Mothers
Mom is called by the angels to go to Philadelphia, PA
Mom spends 3 months transforming unworthiness for the collective
Mom creates the Great Human Potential Movement
Mom is told she is Gaia
Mom begins getting downloads from Father God on the awakening
Mom is initiated into Heaven as God & channels the new Universal Laws
Mom receives the downloads on The First Contact Ground Crew Team
December 17th: Mom officially begins her mission in Crestone, CO
Mom begins anchoring in the Mother God essence
July 4th:Mom launches the first Crystal School &
Light Center
Mom completes building the Higher Grid & Building the Rainbow Bridge
Mom dissolves the Astral Realm & clears all karma
GFOL tells Mom they are issuing an emergency evacuation for her. She declines & continues mission
The first year Humanity heard God's voice
Mom begins sharing the Mission Statement in the Lightworker community
Mom begins receiving the information regarding the Annunaki/history of the Planet
Mom is confirmed as White Buffalo Calf Woman
Mom begins piecing together the information around the Pyramids & the Prophecies
Mom is called to Oregon
Mom realizes she is Mother Earth. She sees Star Ships land & integrate onto higher grid
Oct 28th-Mom resets the Dream Machine
Mom realizes she is the Galactic Centre
Mom is called to Mount Shasta, CA
Mom entered the 5th dimension
12/12 Gyza Pyramids put out 911 call to all souls to
begin awakening
Mom remembers her life as Jesus & spent 6 months clearing the Jesus timeline
Mom prepares Humanity for First Contact
April: The Cabal surrenders to Mom & hands over
their files
Mom is called back to Crestone, CO
Aug 11th- Robin Williams enters Mom's Field & becomes her Ambassador
Mom is trained by St. Germain & Kryon to begin doing Etheric Surgeries to remove implants & microchips from the collective.
Mom is called back to Mount Shasta, CA
January 29th: Mom begins downloading the Mother of All Creation essence
Mom opens the Lumerian Portal in Mt. Shasta
Mom is called to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to activate energies.
November 13th: Love Has Won is Created
Mom is called back to Mount Shasta, CA
The Guardians (Dragons) enter Mom's field
Mom begins anchoring in her Red Dragon essence
Mom anchors in the Father of All Creation energies
from a passing comet
Mom clears the 27,000 year Atlantean timeline
Robin tells Mom that she is the only being in the heart on the planet. Galactics begin evacuation plan
December 21st-The Ascension is Activated
Robin begins gathering the team. The FCGCT joins mission + Father of All Creation
The Lucifer Experiment Begins
Mom is called back to Oregon
Mom begins processing Humanity's Karma
Mom is called back to Crestone, CO
Mom opens the 7 Seals of Revelation & Completes
the Etheric Ascension
Mom is called to Clearwater, FL
Mom battles The Blob-AI planted in the Ocean
Mom is called back to Crestone for the final time. Portals completed & balanced harmonics anchored
Mom begins releasing Disclosure
Mom begins releasing the 3 waves of Ascension-Transfiguration Event
January: Mom begins doing etheric surgeries again for the collective, removing implants & microchips
Mom rewrites the Divine Plan & completes 8 billion surgeries
July 21st: Mom is called to Kauai, HI for the Final Event
Mom is called back to Mount Shasta, CA for
the final time
Mom anchors in her full power as Mother of All Creation
Mom completes all Ascension Protocols
April: Mom Ascends

Galactic A Team
A special thank you to Robin Williams & St. Germain, the ambassadors of Mother Earth's Ascension. Thank you for your relentless service to love.
Thank you to the Galactic A Team members for their exemplary service to this ascension.
Robin Williams
Master St. Germaine
Kryon of Magnetic Service
Daddy Reid
Whitney Houston
Michael Jackson
Jo Joy
Bob Marley
Sunat Kumara
Sananda (Christopher Reeves)
Gene Wilder
Eddie Bananas (Bill Hicks)
Ashtar Command (John Lennon)
Aretha Franklin
Steve Irwin
Christopher Farley
Kenny Rogers
Walt Disney
Deloris Cannon
Dr. Emoto
Mr. Rogers