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~ December Events~ The Lights Are Being Turned On~


Submitted by Lia (Mother God) on Thu, 12/06/2012-09:29

Love always give Love back to itself....This is Creation

The Lights are being turned ON. Like a darkened stage that now is all Lit up and all the players revealed on Planet Earth=Heart. We are beginning to see the last "dramas" play out that were required within the Divine Plan to expose the Truth with Grace and Forgiveness.

Mother Earth, A True Living Breathing Conscious Entity, is in True Reality, Heaven on Earth. She has been called by Love to Return to the Love that Created Her, back to the ONE, and she is taking everyone and everything else with her as well. This is all of Our Home, Within the Light.In The Present Moment of Now, Heaven, you are Free and Sovereign beings. We are all ONE, as well as ONE Family. Creation becomes a Co-Creation of Cooperation.

Together we each have a Unique "God Spark" that contributes to the whole. Once You awaken, You then assume your roles within the Divine Plan and together Co~Create Heaven on Earth, living in Peace, Joy, Abundance and Harmony. Each of You, Unique, Grand, and ALL parts of the Whole, Have a Brilliant Light to share with this Planet, once YOU awaken from out of the Dream.The Present Moment Of Now is Heaven, a Pure Consciousness Energy [the Ethics Train],a Love Vibration that is being carried through the Winds. Within each Breath you take, breathe in breathe out, and you are breathing in the Divine. Just to Re-heart you, you are of the Divine.

Creation has Created all of You out of Love, this is your Natural state. This is YourBirthright, Your Divine Inheritance and all Inherit this Planet. All Prayers answered, as decreed by the Company of Heaven, and US, Father~Mother God.It's All of US NOW. Experience the Miracles as they are Now going to occur in faster rates than ever witnessed on this Planet before. There are going to be some rather shocking events. Soon all will come to the True meaning of "We are not alone" as YouReunite with all of Your Brothers and Sisters, from Throughout Creation.

We are in Magical and Miraculous Moments on this Planet. Many Messengers have been sharing these Truths for quite some time. We are Going Vertical within a New Paradigm in Reality. Humanity is about to experience this Monumental Auspicious Moment of aTransformation into the True Understanding of Unconditional Love and the very Truth of our Existence.

On December 21st 2012 ~Time runs out!! Love is in Charge.This explains the vertical Learning Curve Humanity is in at this Very Moment!! Home is where the "Heart is" and is found Within.Upon this Realization, Love and the Creative Energy discover "Love is everywherePresent". This propels Creational Energy of Love into the All, assisting ALL into a transformation back to the Original Love form.The Lights are on, and So Grab some Popcorn and watch the Fireworks Begin as "Spirit"Has the reins!!

Love The Earth Allies



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